Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Our "Craft in the Mail Club"!!

Sam and Sarah's mom has graciously started up a Craft a month Club! Each Mom prepares 12 identical crafts that can fit in an envelope, with postage. Every month each participating pre-school child receives one craft in the mail! Our first craft arrived last week. In celebration of the Year of the Ox, a paper lantern with stickers for decorating, and a Chinese fan (see circle in foreground for cutting out and colouring, also came with a tongue depressor for the fan handle!). Finn had a great time and did really well (Mom actually had to sit on her hands to not jump in and do the craft for him - naughty Mom!). For Finn's birthday we always hang our Chinese paper lanterns from the ceiling so he kept asking if it was his birthday when this lantern was under construction!
Stay tuned and I'll try to post each month's craft - I wonder when our craft will arrive...

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