Thursday, March 12, 2009

Birthday Bunting

Our little guy turns 3 this Sunday and we're having a brunch party! No cake (his request!) but we do have treats for each friend to take home. Instead of a loot bag I usually (ok, this is only the second party we've had, I know!) make something. Last year it was a Kidlet wall pocket from jcasa jcasa. Poor Finn didn't even end up with one (I mis-counted!). They are great - especially for door knobs to put pj's or toys or books in, er... or so I've heard...! This year it's a little strip of bunting flags as seen on here on Sew Mama Sew. I'm always looking for fun ways to decorate Finn's room and this seemed like a good idea. It can also be used to decorate a play room, a tent or a fort - or the garden, if spring ever comes!
Here are last year's Kidlet's - just because I really loved the photo!


  1. Ooo, I just found your blog through your husband's.
    Your crafts are absolutely beautiful! I'll be checking back often. As I've mentioned to Forest, think about registering with to expand your readership. I'm sure there are lots of women up here who'd love to see what you do!

  2. those flags are gorgeous!

  3. Georgi, I love your blog! Look forward to seeing the wrap skirts in person - are there some longer versions? Loot bags, wow. Must borrow a child to wrangle an invite to Finn's next b-day party.
