Friday, April 17, 2009

Q&A's with Spring Trunk Show Participant Tara Kolla-Hale

The Spring Trunk Sale happens on Sunday, April 26th, from 10 to 4pm at the Chocolate Claim. Local artists and designers will show up with a trunk full of handmade, creative works you will love. This is part four of a series of interviews from the Trunk Sale vendors.

Describe your medium – what will you show up with in your trunk?
pretty much anything that can be sewn or glued! I enjoy using felts, vintage fabrics and ephemera to create my pieces.

What do you enjoy about your folk art?
For me, it is almost more the thought processes thinking up each piece, and then when I realize that I can actually make it, what an awesome feeling!

Do you have a favorite tool, tip or skill that’s made things work better for you?
Spray glue, spray glue, spray glue! I wish I had found this stuff out years before! Also my mom's ancient Singer, fab tension.

What do you listen to while making?
Usually CBC, but if that gets too depressing then This american life.

What are your favourite colours right now?

Well since the other girls have already taken my two fave colour combos ( grrr) then I would have to say hot pink and grey will always be a classic combo.

What’s your website/etsy/flickr address? and

Do you have a favourite blog or website?
Well of course I also love flickr and etsy to see other peoples creative ideas.

Where else and when else can we find your work?
Right now, I am also selling some pieces at the Greenhouse at Cliffside.

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