Thursday, April 23, 2009

Q&A's with Spring Trunk Show Participant Emily Woodruffe

The Spring Trunk Sale happens on Sunday, April 26th, from 10 to 4pm at the Chocolate Claim. Local artists and designers will show up with a trunk full of handmade, creative works you will love. This is part six of a six part series of interviews from the Trunk Sale vendors.

Describe your medium – what will you show up with in your trunk?
My medium is stoneware pottery. Functional works with a playful twist.

What do you enjoy about pottery?
I enjoy the meditative nature of throwing on the wheel, and as much as I hate to admit it, the symmetry of it all. I also enjoy the surprises of opening the kiln to see what has worked, and not so fondly...what hasn't.

Do you have a favorite tool, tip or skill that’s made things work better for you?
Right now my favorite tools are some old rusty nails and nuts and bolts to make impressions in the clay.

What do you listen to while making?
I usually listen to CBC. For no other reason than my hands are too dirty to think about changing CD's or anything!

What are your favourite colours right now?

My favorite colors right now are earthy greens, metallic greys and turquoises.

What’s your website address?
No website as of yet...

Do you have a favourite blog or website?

Where else and when else can we find your work?
You can sometimes find some of my work at the Arts Underground on main street. Otherwise my home studio is the best bet. Best to call first.

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