Monday, December 7, 2009

The Zippy

How about that winter light for a December afternoon at 2pm? Fairly dark around here as we approach the shortest day of the year. Our house doesn't get any sun now but I think by the end of January it hits the south windows of my upstairs sewing room - down stairs is still in the dark for a week after that.
More Zippies! This time with ants, hedgehogs, bikes, frogs and cut-away houses or rooms in red, black and white. I make these with Japanese cottons from Japan (thank you karaku!) and the linings are hand sewn in. A handy swivel hook allows you to connect keys and money in one spot. I've four more to make for the Christmas season and then I'm out of swivel hooks - which means I've made 20 of these things already! How did that happen?!

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