Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Making of Monster Chunks!

Hello again. I've been on holidays. And now it's birthday boy week! This year's treat for all the guests (see here for year 2 and 3 treats) is a treasure hunt ending with a Monster Chunk treasure to take home and love. Rebecca Danger generously posted this free pattern and I've been knitting non-stop monster chunks for the past 2 weeks. More photos to come before they're scattered across town I hope! Rebecca has a great sense of Monster style - check her patterns for sale on etsy, I've bought a few and made a few - not as many as I would like, hopefully more will come to life on my needles soon!

I"m hoping to post soon about our trip and all the lovely Japanese pattern books I found as well as some Liberty of London prints. And then the Handmade and Preloved Trunk Show is coming soon! Details to follow!

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