Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wristlets for Some Travelling Girls

My good friend's niece and friend drove across the country to visit the Yukon and loved the wrist cuffs I had made a while ago. So I whipped a couple up for them to wear home today (just in time before they hit the road again!). These really are fun to make and give, especially if there is a fabric that says something about the wearer - the cars in these are (obviously) to remind them of their road trip! The pattern is from the lovely JCasa site, the buttons are from our days in Brunei. Here are some photos from DH of the wristlets in action on a sunny day - of which we have had MANY I might add while touching wood...

1 comment:

  1. i love those wristlets. i made a bunch last christmas and i wear mine like crazy. they never fail to get a comment when i am out and about.
