Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pattern No. 12 - Jacket with Hood and Big Pockets

I bought this Japanese Pattern book in February (yes, 9 months ago folks!) while we were in Portland, Oregon. The Hooded Jacket in wool was so great, I had to make it - obviously I was in a big hurry? I also bought some lovely (local) wool from Pendleton Mills in Portland too. The pattern was very easy, I think I sewed it up in one evening, and then the buttons and hand sewn hem the second evening. Of course I ask myself, as the count down to The Littlest Arts and Craft Fair is on, and the frantic sewing frenzy begins, what the heck am I doing sewing this treat of a jacket for me at this time of year??!! Ah well, must be a form of procrastination! So, if you don't get something handmade from me this year for Christmas, it's because I was busy sewing for myself! He he...

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