Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Craft Book Challenge

I just found the Craft Book Challenge. Can't remember which blog lead me where but I found it! I signed up over at the Liesl Made blog and committed to starting in April as I will be without my sewing machine for 2 months while we "winter" in Portland, Oregon (not many folks do that I'll bet...!). However, I realized that in my typical last minute sewing project madness, I'm actually using one of my favourite craft books Bend the Rules Sewing by Amy Karol to "whip up" a birthday gift for a certain pair of February Birthday Girls! I figure it will be fine if their Mama is peeking because she may need the demo-pictures to figure out just what we're sending and what to do with it when it arrives! It's the awesome puppet theatre that hangs in a doorway on a compression-fit curtain rod (and more importantly folds away neatly in it's own little pouch!). See here, here and here. So, I can actually say that I participated in January - barely! I'll be back in April with the next Challenge! For Christmas I received this book and this book and can't wait to get at them!

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