Wednesday, November 30, 2011

70's Dress redo

So, not only do I sew a pile of lovely things to sell and share with everyone, I also have this terrible need to make something new for me to wear when I do a show! This time around I made a retro 70's McCall's #2008 brown linen dress that was fine but, well, it was brown and, in case you haven't noticed, my fabrics are usually quite bright and quirky. And my good friend T said "you can't wear BROWWWN to the Cranberry!!!". Rightly so. I made dress number 2, a 70's McCall's #2004 with a really fun streets and cars and trucks fabric that was meant to be quilty pants. It is very comfy and nicely fitted, the belt detail across the back is really nice, I cheated and skipped the back zipper - not the smartest, but time was tight and I didn't have one "in stock"!! I think I'll be making another one of these soon! A note to sewists out there, retro patterns may look groovy but man, they really made their lives difficult if you follow the construction instructions. There are faster, smoother techniques in garment making in our modern patterns, so, if you are making a vintage pattern, read it through and if you think you can skip a step or do a step in a different order to make your life easier than do it!

60's Dress redo

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