Saturday, June 30, 2012

georgianna craft at the Market!

Taa Daa! This was so fun. The weather couldn't have been better, I had great neighbours (DH of Lareware!), lots of love from the community and lots of orders for skirts! I couldn't be more pleased. I'm also pretty excited about my change tent in the back right corner. It was made from retired bedspreads from the Ontario School for the Deaf (the label reads OSD GIRLS, currently known as Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf). Big thank you to my Aunt Susie, a long time employee, who saved these lovely woven spreads with pine trees. They make a great change tent - it was actually nice and warm in there when the weather cooled off! My neighbour DH and I used it to change into jeans when it cooled off! It will also make a fun play tent in our back yard when hung from the clothes line. Click on the photo to take yourself to a few more photos on my flickr site.

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