Sunday, June 24, 2012

I'm partial to green skirts lately.

I have made and sold 23 skirts this spring! Thank you lovely ladies of Whitehorse! These skirts are also going to be taking up residence and/or traveling this summer to such exotic locales as Montreal, Paris, Nanaimo BC, Vancouver (this green one) and more (I'm sure!). If you are in Whitehorse this Thursday and the next, you will have a chance to see, try on and purchase or put in an order for your own georgianna a-line skirt. I will have a market stall at the Fireweed Community Market, shipyards park, from 3pm til 8pm, June 28th and July 5th only! After all, a gal can't sew all summer - there's holidaying to be done too! Come by and say hello, and wear your skirt if you already have one - I will be!

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