Sunday, November 11, 2012

Simple Apron

This Christmas season I've made some bib style aprons from Lotta's book (which would also make a great gift for the sewer on your list!). They are reversible and have a nice modern cut to them. There's something about the neckline that I really like. And I just have to say that that fabric above is my all time favourite. It has the most beautiful flower shapes and the colours are unbelievable. It's Anna Maria Horner's design and if you haven't seen her fabric, needlework, blog, etc. you really should hop over there to be amazed and inspired! I'm getting a slow start to my Christmas making and am trying not to think of the to do list or I'll start to hyperventilate. I'm just trying to "do" the work and worry about the calendar later, like the night before the Lingonberry! November 25th I will be joining some talented arts and crafts folks at the Chocolate Claim for my first Lingonberry craft fair. Please come by and get first picks of aprons, bags, belts and new clutches! Previews coming soon I hope - GULP!

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