Thursday, November 21, 2013

Getting Ready for the Cranberry Fair

This weekend, Sunday to be precise, is the Cranberry Fair craft show here in Whitehorse. I really enjoy this fair and was really mad at myself when I botched my application last year. When I attended as a vendor in 2011 it was so much fun - I especially enjoyed being on the other side of the table as it can be very busy when you are a buyer instead of a seller! I really enjoy hearing who people are planning on giving their purchases to. There are lots of good stories and destinations too. Being a craft vendor in Whitehorse is a thrill as often your wares will end up across the country and sometimes across the globe. As a vendor I also love to catch up with friends I see in the crowd that I don't normally see day to day. The Tote No. 5, shown above, is made from some 1978 home dec fabric from my mother in law's fabric stash. It's really beautiful in person, with birds, bugs and cherry blossoms, or maybe pussy willows... I'm looking forward to Sunday and hope that my sewn goods will find new homes this Christmas. See you there!

These quilty pants could be my new all time favourites. Available in sizes from 6 months to 2 years.

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