Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The house that love built

valentines birdhouse, originally uploaded by wishfactory.

I'm stealing this lovely photo from the wishfactory and friend Tara. Go take a look (both links!), I suspect the show is for the local flower shop that she works at part time - thank goodness it's only part time or we wouldn't get to see her awesome works!

Sewing in Japanese

When I was in Singapore in 2005 I'm sure I saw these lovely Japanese dress pattern books but thought - don't even look, you'll never be able to read the patterns! Well, thanks to blogs, I can now see that there are many brave women out there who have jumped right in and tried these patterns any way! Who knew?! So here is Number 21 (in the largest size published - of course!). It's a blousy top for keeping the sun off me while on holiday next week - a well deserved one I might add, as we've been enduring minus 35 for atleast a month now...! These books came from here and the guts to do it came from the blog at the workroom.

Number 21, originally uploaded by Georgi Pearson.

Our "Craft in the Mail Club"!!

Sam and Sarah's mom has graciously started up a Craft a month Club! Each Mom prepares 12 identical crafts that can fit in an envelope, with postage. Every month each participating pre-school child receives one craft in the mail! Our first craft arrived last week. In celebration of the Year of the Ox, a paper lantern with stickers for decorating, and a Chinese fan (see circle in foreground for cutting out and colouring, also came with a tongue depressor for the fan handle!). Finn had a great time and did really well (Mom actually had to sit on her hands to not jump in and do the craft for him - naughty Mom!). For Finn's birthday we always hang our Chinese paper lanterns from the ceiling so he kept asking if it was his birthday when this lantern was under construction!
Stay tuned and I'll try to post each month's craft - I wonder when our craft will arrive...